So, who am I? This is my artist statement.
I am a spiritually, and psychologically, uncertain being.
I am a perfectionist.
I want to become pretty, sharp, I am spending time for my skincare,
it means not only I am focusing on materials, but perfection.
But, I am aware that the notion of perfection does not exist. But there is only myself developing towards perfection and
becoming hyper-focused on developing, shaping, trimming, structured it.....
Heaven. ? I haven’t visit there yet.
I am just a kid. I don’t have income I earned from myself. I get invested from my parents to study art. so it is basically, ungrown man at this moment. but I am grown up at the same time. because of the experience in military service. I learned how to socialize with people, how to get order and make sure it is work together with teammate. and not individually working, but becoming one of a contributor and really contribute, dedicated myself for the community. you know, I am really egoistic and not a person who want to commit for the community that I unintentionally get in. so I am egoistic. because I served the military and I’ve done for myself. but it’s not perfectly true because I’ve done many combats and training, and spending my time for my troops. so I just basically think myself as an messiah and jesus. truly. really. definitely. and I don’t think myself that way at this moment. so, I am just a student. I am trying to see myself without fantasizing myself. I am trying to focus just one realistic thing. Student.
Realistically seeing.
I am fantasizing myself.
I see the world negatively.
I am self-disciplined.
I am a man.
I am lonely.
I am anxious.
I am quite oppressed. but because of the reason why I was always anxious about the decision I made. and procrastinate it.
I am anxious about the relationship of my father and mother.
I am focusing on art.
I am standing with the shoulder from the giant called books and knowledges, legacies.
I am sharp externally, internally both.
I am not quite yet, but have a potential to become a visionary.
I am extremely strong, fast, skillful, really talented on music, art, sports, writings.... all kinds of art.
I am kind of clean...? I wasn’t.
I am intelligent.
I am fortunate.
I am full of sins.
I am loser but also winner.
I am an athletic.
I am an artist.
I am afraid of death, but I am not afraid of, and rather, proud of myself confronting the death with divinity. sacred heart.
I am just settled, because of the fact that I have a good talent.
I am trying to look at myself truly, and carefully select the word with the heart of divinity.
I am not consistent.
I am unknown.
I am not grounded my feet on earth quite not enough.
I am not ready, but I am running.
what is the fashion?
for me, fashion is just a play.
it is not a legacy, of course, there is experimentation, and fashion is just a clothes. it is not a serious challenge. life-long mission or something...
so I don’t really need to deeply thinka bout this.
Mystery? fashion is probably wandering about materialistic thinking and too much care about your apperance. I think it is more about expressing... probably a lot of people feel afraid about expressing their feelings. so just make something whether you know or don’t know.... that is the art... but carefully shape and control and cultivate my eyes,,,,,freshness...that is why people say that you need to see good thing as much as you can....
so it isn’t control yourself. it is expressing yourself. it is a tool.
important thing is to show you what
pursuing particular style,,,,, is not something you really have to care about I guess.
and I think my mission is to become better than yesterday. It is also showing world-class thing but it’s not my mission. it is sort of my ambition. so, that might be distractive for playing something. and keep forward with the shameless about mistakes....
making fashion and making music and performing together... I definitely have enough talent. but realistically, becoming better than yesterday is just all about it. realistically.
first of all, I wrote an quite good start for artist statement. from the beginning, I’ve just written about who am I? not saying I have something, my name is,,, I want something...etc. but writing the idea of myself. what is better?
what do you mean by that?
1. getting better at my work. such as reading and analyzing the fashion everyday, draw everyday, it will getting better. and can you figure out how can you make clothes in home? probably find a old studio or, fashion department...
2. writing daily about what I was gratefu, what I’ve read,
3. consume good, organic, food. know how to control your appetite.
4. meditate longer and longer.
5. teaching this....?
6. getting better at relationship with friends and school, which means that speak the truth, even if it is really shaking, so speak small, start small, politely. that is why politeness is important. I want to speak the truth regardless of how am i polishe dor not, and speak the truth. and really not the fighting. but discussing and throw your questions with thoughtful ideas and curiosity. so that is why you have to learn through book and resources. so that you can keep your class.
7. speaking more about
wait, what happened in your mind?
do you need to organize it?
oh, they need more and more. so craving too much for people is overwhelming as well.
walter benjamin
suzuki sun-ryu
jordan peterson
what can you organize?
when people
they make them weakest as possible
retained victory
pathetic thinking
make it strongest people, smartest people, sometime most admirable people as much as you can.
adopt the arguments and try to make it much more stronger, crystalized it, expand it, clarify it, make it example for that,
What have I done?
What was wrong?
What is the realistic proposition in this group?
What is my genuine idea?
What did I contribute for them?
What is their idea?
Why is that?
What’s the possible
Let me hear the ideas.
ant, hair, your dead skin, it is your fault, it is your bad perspective, past,
your core belief that embodies in your body and spirit, is to shed skin everyday, diligently,
coexist your beauty and you don’t even have a plan right now,
absorb, body, absorb,
your perfection, you want, organized, clean, clean,
and result in the friends group is your past, your ability at that moment, it is sort of manifestations. in but eyes focused on the eyes.
The number one thing you can do to improve your sense of style and train your eye is this: look at how other people are doing it! What types of pieces are they wearing, what colours do they mix, what shoes do they pair with their outfits, how do they accessorise and so on.
Pretend you are a researcher in a foreign culture and are trying to find out as much as possible about the local customs.
Use your everyday environment as your lab: Sit in a cafe and just watch people passing by, pay close attention to your co-workers' and friends’ outfits and check out what your fellow commuters are wearing on your train ride to work (in a non-creepy way of course :)). Use Pinterest and fashion blogs to supplement your real-life studies and expose yourself to a broader range of styles.
The key throughout this whole process is to be as precise as possible. If you see an outfit that you like, figure out what exactly makes it so great. Is it the overall vibe of the look (e.g. preppy, bohemian or minimalist), the colour scheme or a specific piece? Let’s say the two pics above caught your attention. Was it because of the neutral colours? The simple lines? Do you just like big sun glasses and black tote bags?
That is how you train your eye, by observing and paying close attention to how other people wear clothes and what types of things resonate with you and which don’t. It’s super basic, but if you ask them about it, people who have a great style and are ‘into fashion’ will probably tell you that they do this already, and have been doing so for years. Over time, you will get more and more of a feel for what kinds of clothes you like and how you like them to fit, and can then use that information to upgrade your wardrobe, either by wearing your existing clothes in a new way or by adding some new pieces.
I am fantasizing myself.
I see the world negatively.
I am self-disciplined.
I am a man.
I am lonely.
I am anxious.
I am quite oppressed. but because of the reason why I was always anxious about the decision I made. and procrastinate it.
I am anxious about the relationship of my father and mother.
I am focusing on art.
I am standing with the shoulder from the giant called books and knowledges, legacies.
I am sharp externally, internally both.
I am not quite yet, but have a potential to become a visionary.
I am extremely strong, fast, skillful, really talented on music, art, sports, writings.... all kinds of art.
I am kind of clean...? I wasn’t.
I am intelligent.
I am fortunate.
I am full of sins.
I am loser but also winner.
I am an athletic.
I am an artist.
I am afraid of death, but I am not afraid of, and rather, proud of myself confronting the death with divinity. sacred heart.
I am just settled, because of the fact that I have a good talent.
I am trying to look at myself truly, and carefully select the word with the heart of divinity.
I am not consistent.
I am unknown.
I am not grounded my feet on earth quite not enough.
I am not ready, but I am running.
주목 받는 것을 좋아하는 아이.
그렇게 살아. 그런데 내가 느리다는 사실도 알아. 1984를 읽고나니 느낀점, 눈을 떠라. 너가 사회에서 눈을 뜨고 살아가라. 깨어있는 사람으로서 사회에서 공헌하고, 너가 모든 것을 너 마음대로 바꿀 수는 없어도, 너가 먼저 너가 옳다고 생각하는 사람으로 살아가라. 그것까지 알아. 나는. 그정도야. 내가 아는 수준은. 내가 믿는 바야.
그리고 나는 우리나라의 문화를 풍부하게 만들어내는데에 인생을 바칠거야. 그게 이상적인 내 비전이야.
3일을 밥도 안먹고 그것만 생각해. 뭐를. 패션.에 대해서. 내가 패션 디자이너로 어떻게 하면 성공할 수 있을지에 대해서. 3일을 밥도 안먹고 그림만 그려.
1984 읽었고, 웹사이트 정리하고, 그림 그리고, 지드래곤 예술에 대해 공부하고,
패션으로 시작해서 음악도 만들거야.
40일은 인간이나 세상이 그 전과는 완전히 다른 모습으로 바뀔 수 있는 기간이다.
부정적인 생각, 혼란, 두려움으로 가득한 지하 세계의 일원이 되는 데도 40일이면 충분하다. 즉 40일은 자신의 사악함을 표면 위로 드러내 행동으로 옮길 수 있고 현실을 지옥으로 만들 수 있는 시간인 셈이다.
현실을 지옥으로 만든다는 것은 비유적인 표현이 아니다. 역사가 그것을 증명한다. 강제 수용소와 강제 노동, 피바람을 불러일으킨 병적인 이데올로기와 전체주의가 지배하던 20세기를 보라. 눈 하나 까닥 않고 수천 명을 죽인 강제 수용소의 간수도 결국 인간이었다. 강제 수용소는 예수의 사막 이야기가 진실에 가깝다는 걸 역사적으로 보여 주고 있다.
나는 인간이다. 따라서 인간에 대한 것은 그 어떤 것도 남의 일로 보지 않는다.
어떤 나무도 뿌리를 지옥까지 뻗지 못하면 하늘나라까지 자라지 못한다. 라고 말했다.
군인들이 외상 후 스트레스 장애에 시달리는 주된 이유는 목격한 사건 때문이 아니라, 그들이 저지른 행위 때문이다. 전쟁터에는 많은 악령이 있고, 참전은 지옥문을 여는 행위다. 때때로 무엇인가가 슬금슬금
나타나 시골에서 농사짓던 순박한 청년을 홀린다. 청년은 어느새 괴물로 변해 끔찍한 짓을 저지른다. 여자들을 유린하고, 갓난아이들을 죽이며, 선량한 사람들을 학살한다. 양심의 가책을 느끼기는 커녕 내면의 어두운 면은 오히려 그런 잔혹 행위를 즐긴다. 그가 결코 잊지 못하는 부분은 바로 자신의 이런 어두운 면이다. 시간이 흘러도 당시의 자신과 지금의 자신을 화합시킬 방법을 찾아내지 못한 채 엄청난 정신적 혼돈에 시달린다. 이런 결과는 조금도 놀라운게 아니다.
호루스 신도 비슷한 시련을 겪기 때문에 그리스도와 자주 비교된다. 역사적으로나, 개념적으로나.
매와 지혜의 눈으로 상징되는 호루스는 만물을 꿰뚫어 보는 신으로, 하늘을 다스린다. 호루스는 아버지 오시리스의 왕좌를 찬탈한 삼촌 세트에 맞선다. 세트는 사막과 폭풍의 신으로, 땅을 다스린다. 호루스는 세트와 사투를 벌인 끝에 의식을 잃고 한쪽 눈을 잃는다. 한쪽 눈을 잃는 대신 내면의 눈을 얻어 새로운 것을 이해하는 능력을 갖추게 될지도 모른다.
돌을 빵으로 바꿔라. 하지만 사람은 빵으로만 살 것이 아니라, 하나님의 입에서 나오는 모든 말씀으로 살 것이다.
극도로 굶주린 상황에서도 빵보다 중요한 것이 있다는 뜻이다.